Employment Opportunities
Galaxy is seeking the highest quality talent to join Team Galaxy.
Email your resume & a picture of Identification to:
Stop in the office:
847 S. Main Street Wildwood, Fl 34785
We use Angie's List to assess whether we're doing a good job keeping valued customers like you happy. Please visit AngiesList.com/Review/4394175 in order to grade our quality of work and customer service.
Galaxy is an equal opportunity employer. We provide a positive and respectful work environment. This is reflected in our training and encouragement for all employees to expand their expertise through continuous training and evaluation.
Galaxy believes our employees talent and abilities only contribute to the overall productivity of the company. We value our team of hard-working individuals while remaining
dedicated to our customers.
We offer exceptional benefits package that include:
Employee Benefits:
BCBS Health, Dental, Vision, Life Insurances
401K Matching
Holiday Bonus
Employee Incentives:
Succes Is Showing Up/ Employee Attendance Incentive
Birthday card, shirt & $50 Visa gift card
Employee Of the Month